Thursday, July 21, 2016

Uncluttering Your Life

The world today is a crazy place. Anything and everything is tolerated, talked, fought over, given supremacy and the loud and the uncouth and the just plain crazy keeps on getting crazier. I know, this is not good copy, but who cares? In fact, who cares for much of anything anymore the rest of the world seems to be overlooking? God, for instance, the creator of us all has been pushed back into the corner or even, perhaps locked in the attic forever. How then do we get back to when the world was in his care? Lets get him out and make him our constant companion and be not ashamed to let others know we consider him good company. You see, he works through people and we will never know when that epiphany so much needed will come or from whom. Talk about your creator and let others know the truth of all existence and be not ashamed to be the fool you know yourself to be. (It is certainly true that every time you open your mouth you are liable to show that fact. So be it! Just be yourself and improve on your communication skills and this is best done if you truly love all people, yes even when you do not approve of their actions.) 

Well truthfully it has always been because he is everywhere, it's only that the biggest troublemakers are blind. Not blinded to the outside where all the loud, lewd, and loveless stuff is being played out for all to see; blinded to the inner harmony that opens into the passage way toward tranquility and to the person you were created to be. That place where those who need solace and his loving nature to to take over our cares and make sense of them or discard them as irrelevant. 

Oh, true to my words above, I have gotten off the subject which started out to be 'how to stop cluttering up your life'. Simple? Of course not, we all preach simplicity but somehow, with little forethought, we gather non essentials in thought and in actions. Once we know this how do we get rid of them and how will we know whether to toss or to keep? Each person will have to do some soul searching here and will have to answer truthfully to some questions asked. There is no one lesson fits all here. That's because what is important to one person is not important to another. It all has to do with what makes you more of the person you want to be, whether you realize this or not. In other words a gardener will probably have a well stocked little shed with items related to their favorite activity. Of course it's going to be painful to toss out those pots from outgrown plants, the dozens and dozens of other tools. But if you want to freshen up and keep a neat outlook on your habits as well as your ability to find what you need when you need i t, throw out and clean up. And so on with whatever activity. 

Just make sure you have everything in clear sight or easy to find when you need it. Otherwise you will forget what you have and will repeatedly buy an item already owned. But if you are truly dedicated to simplicity you may want to go further and fit your space with your belongings and fit in no more than is necessary. 

All the above reads as if it in material things that needs to be thrown out, but simplicity means having a mental filing cabinet in good order. Of course you once knew this or that and now that you are older you can't remember it. Should this bother you? Not at all, the mind functions best if  left to its own simple ways. The thoughts most needed and most used will be in the forefront of your mind and those of little use will be in harder to recall places. By association only will those be recalled and only when they are truly needed. (This changes somewhat as you get older but usually it only takes longer to recall truly needful or mental items.)

Simple ways are best. Of course I am speaking of my own life style and I've found over time I have had several instances where I have opted for the simple, the most needed, the affordable solutions. Yet the truth, as it now appears in the forefront of my thoughts demands  a say: I am somewhat cluttered as to books and papers, cards from my children, drawings from my grandchildren and my own artwork scraps. I tend to hold on to clothes because I am in no way fashionable nor desire to be or can afford to be.  I am simple in my food and diet. Reason? I don't like to cook and I am  learning eating a  well balanced meal means as is recommended for my age and my health requirements not only saves times, money, but adds to my overall well being. 

But best of all, as I grow old, I am learning how to do nothing. I can lounge on my sofa, half asleep, half awake and talk to my Creator as if he is the psychiatrist sitting slightly in back of my head. (I've been there in my younger days and I know what goes on in professional settings. Get comfortable and just talk it out! Now of course, He listens and it costs me nothing. Truth urges me on: You could say I am somewhat of a frugal soul. Stingy I am not. I just like to use my money for good causes and for what is important to me. He's the best mind straightening outer I know!

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