Saturday, October 1, 2011

Counting our blessings

Sometimes it's easier to go along with the crowd and agree that the world situation is beyond hope. A better approach will be to find something hopeful to promote. That little spark may be all that's needed to spur action toward a more hopeful attitude. Make an effort to be positive and soon it will become a habit.

Examples of how we can help lift the gloom and doom of a depressed society are for the asking:

1. Refuse to add to gossip

2. Put in a good word that will counteract a slur against another person; Do the best job we know how to do and find ways of doing it even better.

3. Keep our promises to the best of our ability

4. Act our age. That means if we are teenagers, then it's alright to act like one. We've a lot to learn and we shouldn't be expected to think and act as adults. On the other hand if we're old, it's ridiculous to dress and to behave as we did when teens. That tells the world, as well as ourselves, we've learned little.

5. Yet, at any age, it's all right to have fun, and it's alright to speak your mind but you must accept the consequences for doing so.

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