How we think about food says a lot about our attitude toward food in general. Do we view as the necessity for physical and mental health, as it surely is, or do we relate it to likes and dislikes? Taste and food preferences is important but it does not override the reason food is eaten. Food is a life preserver; a promoter of healthy life styles; a winner in the fight for longevity; an exciting adventure to be. If is not the reason to live thinking that's puts food at the top of our daily things to do, it is living because of food that counts.
In other words, don't live to eat, but eat to live is an old adage that makes sense out of how we think of food. In 2010, The FDA renamed its pyramid food program to My Plate. Presumably they did this to make it your plate and not theirs, and yes, possibly they wanted to be seen as less regimental. They answer questions such as: How do I learn about food groups; information about any particular food; will help you create a personal eating plan; teach you healthy eating habits,how to lose weight, help you plan your menus; they will analyze your diet and tell you where it fails and where it is right.
The image:
It's mine. Another oldie that somehow managed to escape the trash pile. I bought the over-sized table from a junk shop and was proud of it although it took up more room in my small kitchen I could afford to utilize. Wanting to smear a little paint around one day, found nothing else to paint but one corner of this table. Although I lived alone, Fruit bowls with real fruit were a big part of my decorating scheme.
What happened to the table? It disappeared in the move from there to here and I suspect the movers decided I had no room for it in my new place. Hopefully some happy family is now eating their veggies and fruits and healthy food off it. I refrain from mentioning the name of the movers since I love them as much as they love me but their last initial starts with an S. Eat well everyone, it will make a difference in your life.
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