Art as a healing mechanism.
Art is a great way to deal with those troubling thoughts and problems of life. Yet art need not be an all out affair where we paint, or sculpt, or take up dancing professionally, or join a singing group, unless of course we are so specially talented we must; but the kind of art that is healing is the kind that gets us in contact with our better natures. As an example, yesterday I wrote an article for Helium "Christian parables in art" and while writing it I somehow renewed my own lagging sense of art as a way to life one above the mundane and routine matters that we face daily. gave me a lot to think about as I was writing it
"This type of art can is common today and artists who are closely tuned in to the world of God find numerous ways of sharing their work. All types of art can be dedicated to Christian principles and each will have their own unique idea, or parable. That special nature of art — of whatever source — is to penetrate to the depth of the psyche and elicit feelings and thoughts. Genuine art, contrary to popular belief, is not necessarily pretty nor should it always be pleasing; genuine art brings to the forefront deeply felt feelings held the artist."
The Image: Confession time: It was borrowed from Flickr. Yet, I somehow felt it had something to say about life in this world as it is being tossed about by the weather. That must have lots to say about how the wayward life we are now living, since every action, good or bad, has a reaction.
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