To be mentally healthy you must be aware of the difference between unhealthy thoughts and healthy ones. It is easy to slip into inferior thinking without even knowing you are doing it.
Taking what 'they say' as the gospel truth without first running it through your own mind to weed it of its fallacies, is one way; admitting that although you strongly believe something, there is room for doubt; and understanding that no two people think alike and it's not necessary to accept as gospel truth everything those whom you admire, say. Actually, it's quite unhealthy to idol worship.
We worship God,not humans! And that brings me to the reason that on this first workday of the Holy Week, Monday, I felt the need to begin a new blog on Mental Health. Certainly if the horrific crucifixion of Him was not unhealthy what is? It could have been the thinking of the day which made the crucifixion necessary.
The old mental health blog Headline Hunting did not start out being a site dedicated to mental health, but it gradually turned into one.
The Image: I've been trying to share my thoughts for years. Years ago, when I was new to the computer, and when newsletters were fashionable, I wrote a newsletter. I tried to get others' interested in my way of thinking, but how much impact it had, I will never know.
Now I realize the effort was for me! It kept me thinking about other things instead of how much others laughed or made fun of me, how to improve on myself and how to learn, and how to appreciate the good earth the Lord had created.
No doubt these newsletters were riddled with grammatical errors and would have been an editor's worst nightmare,were they hiring me, but I was oblivious. It was the intent and I believed what I had to say was important. I still do. But now I have a day job, I write for Helium and I can't get by with bad grammar, therefore, I try to learn.http://www.helium.com/users/edit_show/188961
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