Friday, May 25, 2012

Today, May 25, is graduation day for may high school students around the nation. It's about the most important day of their lives whether they know it or not. That's so for many reasons: They're now assuming their new roles as adults and with this freedom from many rules they've had to obey at school, they're now free to choose. Of course the new school, college, a business school, or straigt to work or to job hunting will have their own rules.

Nothing changes for these students except they now have more say in the decision making that concerns them. And it's hoped that they will decide to stay on the side of mental health and will learn how to begin thinking, acting and living their lives that will keep them on the track toward sane and a healthy future.

A first step will be in learning how to take care of themselves. As the cookbook images above show, away at school or at home, learning how to eat properly, prepare one's own meals is fast becoming a necessity and not an elective course.

Congratulations to 2012 graduates everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

When thinking about mental health sometimes it's easy to forget about all those who are mentally sick. We get stuck on thinking about ourselves and forget that but for the grace of God they would be us. Compassion for the sick and finding every means of trying to improve their lot is what cures or relief from mental illness is all about. Yet that is a task for the professionals, all this mini blog has to offer is how to reign in on our less than healthy thoughts and ways of life. More on that later. To be continued: