The title today concerns how to listen to directions from God instead of always petitioning him for your wants. And I admit the idea came to me from another source other than prayer. On Sunday, July 17 I was reading the meditations from The Word Among Us on page 58 of the meditations for July and August 2011.
On this day their meditations came from Romans 8:26 , The spirit helps us in our weakness. Their introductory sentence takes up the way most people pray, petitioning God for something or other. And as they say, that's okay too, since He wants us to be happy,"But there's another form of prayer that is just as valuable and just as necessary to our spiritual lives: the prayer that listens for God's wisdom and revelation."
When I read that I got that that aha feeling. In a somewhat different way that's what I've been thinking and doing for a long time. I'd simply never thought to give words to the notion that sometimes it's always best to let Him have it His way. In other words when our day isn't panning out as we'd planned instead of praying that the particular mood of the situation that is 'letting us down' will turn in our favor, we accept it and allow it and go on from there.
And often, on down the road, we'll see how that particular point in time coincides with something greater, and more appropriate in our lives. Had we not stood still and quietly listened and offered whatever discomfort and annoyance we endured for Him to put it toward His purpose rather than our own, we would have missed far greater opportunities.
My awareness of not always wanting my own way was not born out of quiet solitude, however. And in fact, in one way or another it's always been with me since in my life there were scarcely any options other than those that presented themselves. What I did not do, however, was talk about my inner most feelings. Not being a particularly outwardly religious person in that I seldom joined in on heated discussions about this or that, but deep down I knew where I stood.
My frustrations ran deep when people blamed God for everything to crop failure to a rain ruining their picnic. Let's pray for no rain on Sunday so we can get together and have a jolly old time, and other such unworthy prayers always left me thinking, don't they understand it rains where it rains and why waste His time with such petitions;He runs the world His way and the best we can do is listen to that small still voice inside us to see how best we can help.
The older I got, the more I listened. But in all that time I never ran into an exact sentence that spelled out listening as a form of prayer. Of course everyone is supposed to know that is the general assumption. But sometimes, as the author of that particular meditation knew, it needs be said. Far too many aren't listening.
How does this fit into mental health? In every way possible. Instead of getting all tangled into chaos when our plans go awry, lets be more acceptable to His way. What this does is open the door to pathways of thinking hitherto unknown. Inspirations and opportunities await those who are brave enough to throw open their hearts, ears, eyes to Him.
An example to illustrate what I mean: I love to write. I've always written. A few years ago, however, I was tired and I quit. I vividly remember telling Him, I quit, if you want me to write again,I will, but it will have to be your way. For five years now, my writing has taken on new meanings to me. Yet, I've never forgotten that it all depends on Him.
When I come to those time when I have to decide whether I will write what I know the editors want to hear or what will further my standing with them or what I know He wants me to say, He wins.
Of course I have no assurance I am right, but when I do and say, even in my ignorance, what I believe is best, I am sure He understands and makes allowances. It creates fewer problems later on.